Flea Fortress Museum
Since 1999 the civic museum has been housed in the fortress known as the Rocca Flea. It's shared in three sections: the archaeological side, with Gualdo Tadino's findings that take place from the XIII-XII cent. since the Romans and Longobard's period and also other remains of differents population that in the past lived in this area; the art gallery where it's possible to see painting in tempera of the XIV-XV cent. most of them made by Matteo da Gualdo. Its' possible to admire also quite important operas like the majestic "Polittico" (this opera is considered his masterpiece) realized by Niccolò di Liberatore known as the "Alunno". The pottery's section is the last part of the museum, here takes place the pottery realized between the end of the 1800th and the half part of the 1950th. They has been made by the technique of Mastro Giorgio (gold and ruby).
The collection of paintings was originally sites in the small mediaval palazzo in Via Calai, since 1919. In 1966 the Art Gallery, thanks to Francesco Santi, was transfered in the Church of San Francesco since 1979. Paintings cames from the city's churches and mostly of them are by Matteo da Gualdo.
The collections
Archaeological collection
In this section we can admire findings from the three archaelogical sides of Gualdo Tadino. They are dated from the 4th century B.C.till the Middle Ages. In the first room, there are findings of III-II century B.C. and the most important ones is the Roman Sarcophagus with the shield hold up by two wing victories.In the second room, we can admire umbrian's remains of the XIII-XI cent. Quite important is the terminal stone wtitten by them alphabetic, where they recognoize the land of Tadino.
Painting collection:
At the last floor of the fortress take place the art gallery where it's possible to see painting in tempera of the XIV-XV century. Most of them are made by Matteo da Gualdo, an eclectic artist that beautify Gualdo's churches. It's possible pass through his artistic career from 1462 to 1497. Other important operas are: "L'incoronazione della Vergine" by Sano di Pietro e "Sant'Anna con la Vergine Bambina" by Antonio da Fabriano. In the next room we find some operas by Girolamo and Bernardo, respectively son and nephew of Matteo da Gualdo. An other important painter is Niccolo di Liberatore known as Alunno and his "Polittico" (1471). It was painted for the high altar in the local church of San Francesco. In the 18th century it was moved to a chapel in the same church and due to lack of space the row of small arches between the predella and the part above was removed, and now is a part of the Museum's collection. Ceramical collection
Here take place the pottery realized between the end of the 1800th and the half part of the 1950th . They are realized in gold and ruby with the old shining technique made by Mastro Giorgio. It's possible to admire, in the reliquary manufactured, products made in the majour pottery workshop of the city by the family Rubboli and Santarelli.